Matthew & rebecca o.

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Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia

Über Matthew & rebecca o.

31 Jahre alt | Live in couple

We have been on the road together for over 4 years working alongside each other in the Australian Army, hotel bar management, volunteer programs, and most recently a Live in Couple in Australia and France. Home for us is Australia and New Zealand, we are both non-smokers, animal lovers, eco-friendly, fit, clean, and are ready to make your home & pets our paramount priority.

We are both blessed to have been raised on farms giving us the opportunity to understand how to care and raise all sorts of pets and animals and the daily workings of a farm. Along our travels we have both lived and worked in very interesting and diverse places, from the middle of Australia on a cattle ranch with minimal electricity and not a radio tower to be seen for miles, to the luxuries of a small French estate.

As your house sitters we are very privileged with the opportunity of trust offered by you, in turn we will care for your pets and home with the uttermost regard to your specific needs and requests.

We are confident in our ability as an experienced live in couple and house sitters to maintain your home security and privacy, undertake general maintenance jobs as necessary, up keep of the property grounds, all housekeeping duties and insuring your pets comfort and happiness till your return.

As we are new to Nomador we are more than happy to provide credible contacts from our work and personal lives for your peace of mind.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Rebecca, 29 Jahre alt, Live in couple, Ehepartner / Partner

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