Melissa h.

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Paddington, New South Wales, Australia

Über Melissa h.

54 Jahre alt | Corporate Travel Consultant

We are mature, responsible full time house sitters with excellent reviews from Australia, currently house sitting in the UK.

I am 48 and worked as a Corporate Travel Consultant, while Geoffrey was a Specialist Electrical Contractor. We have one grown up son who is 25, and he has just gotten a job in LA.

We have recently retired, and are five months into what we hope will be a four year adventure around the world. We have successfully completed five sits within the UK over the past few months and have 13 confirmed sits over the rest of this year.

We are animal lovers, home owners, and caring and compassionate people, who give our all to every thing we do. We are a fit, active, and energetic couple who enjoy getting the most out of everything we do. We are very clean and tidy and at all times would look after your animals and your home as we would our own home and pet.

We are looking forward to mixing more traditional travel with house sits to give us the ability to relax, get to know people and communities, and live as much like locals as we can. The area you live in sounds like an interesting place to explore.

With our own animals over the years we have always used positive reinforcement and lashings of patience to create a warm, secure, peaceful and loving environment.

I have started a blog to chronicle our travels, and I do invite you to have a look and learn a bit more about us.

The web address is and also on Facebook

We also have a profile on Trusted Housesitters with great reviews if you would like to take a look.

Melissa and Geoffrey

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Geoffrey , 72 Jahre alt, Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

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