Charlotte f.

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Cullowhee, North Carolina, United States

Über Charlotte f.

33 Jahre alt | Clean Vibes LLC

I am a 27 year old California native. I have always lived a very nomadic life and travel is an important staple in my life. I have been to 48 out of 50 states in the US. I hope to continue to expand my horizons an begin to travel more internationally. I have two dogs of my own and reside in North Carolina when I am not on the road. During the summer, I work for a company that does cleanup and landfill divergence at music festivals and other events across the country. I am currently a college student who does all their studies online to fit my busy and flexible schedule and am studying business administration with an emphasis on entrepreneurship. I am responsible, accountable , trustworthy and would love to help you house/petsit!

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