Jessa-leigh m.

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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Über Jessa-leigh m.

32 Jahre alt | Hairstylist

Hi there! I am a 27 year old female from Canada and I am currently residing in Scotland with my partner, Nathan Phillips, who is from Wales. We met while we were working abroad in Australia last year and have come to the UK for a year or so and then we head back to Canada in November. Before we head back, we have decided to do a month long trip in Europe and we are looking to house sit our way through all the countries we would like to visit! We both love animals and we love meeting new people from different walks of life! I was a hairdresser back in Canada for 3 years and before that I was a bartender as well as a landscaping assistant, so I know my way around a garden! My partner has obtained his English and contemporary media degree prior to travelling and is now currently being trained to become a chef as the opportunity arose! We both believe in seizing the day and that life is about gaining as many new experiences as you possibly can! We hope you consider us in your decision for a house-sitter and look forward to hearing from you.. Cheers!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nathan, 33 Jahre alt, Chef, Ehepartner / Partner

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