Encarna l.

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Murcia, Region of Murcia, Spain

Über Encarna l.

52 Jahre alt | University professor

I am single, in the 40's and love animals and natural spaces. I have been a high school teacher and college professor for more than twenty years. I have worked in Spain, Canadá and the States, at different universities. For family business, I have experience too in buildings cleaning and maintenance. I have worked as a house keeper before, taking care of everything related to the facilities at student residences, summer houses and country houses. Love pets, specially dogs. We have always have dogs at my family house, and I have to say I miss it now. Living by myself in a flat is not the best context for a dog. I am a responsible, thoughtful person. I do not smoke, neither drink and I am a quite quiet person. I love to spend my time walking around the countryside, reading and working peacefully at home. I am looking for a house in the countryside to spend some months of a sabbatical year, working online in some college courses and writing.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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