Toni a.

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Round Mountain, Nevada, United States

Über Toni a.

56 Jahre alt | Remote Medical Coder | Allein

Greetings! I am an over 50 professional location Independent worker in the healthcare field, from Nevada in the United States. I am of mixed European descent, mostly Irish and English. I speak a little Spanish, and English is my native language. I also have a background in teaching English and I owned an online English language school for about 10 years. Now, in addition to my full-time job, I own a medical revenue cycle consulting business. I am an experienced house and pet sitter and also have a history on trusted pet sitters. I have traveled in many countries around the world mostly since 2008. I love all animals having a lifelong history in cattle ranching, farming, and have had just about every kind of animal or pet. I am capable of driving or operating most vehicles or equipment. My job is remote and i love to travel slowly while working online. My biggest requirement is an internet connection and a place to work. I am clean, neat, and quiet. I have plenty of knowledge in caring for any issues that might come up with your beloved pets. Most of all, i will probably over love and spoil them. I am pretty capable with any home emergencies that might arise, as well. I will keep you posted on the status at home as frequently as you wish to hear from me or you are welcome to check in any time. I look forward to meeting you and your fur babies and making new friends to add to my list of furry, feathered, and scaled friends around the world, along with the two legged kind. I love to garden, so if you need a little light care in that area, I don’t mind that either.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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