Sophie s.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Sophie s.

29 Jahre alt | Photographer

HI! I'm a recently graduated art student who loves animals. My mother is a veterinarian so I grew up surrounded by cats and dogs my entire life.. You could describe me as an open minded, vegetarian, culturally invested, young woman from Amsterdam. Reasons I'd like to house sit:

1. Being surrounded by animals - they make the world a better place
2. Finding peace in nature! I live in Amsterdam but I have been brought up on the country side. Although Amsterdam is not a huge metropolitan city, I'd like to escape the chaos for a bit and be indulged by the peace and quiet that nature brings.
3. Finally having the time to read all the books I want to read and concentrate on doing research for new art projects.
4. As a student this would be a great opportunity to live somewhere without spending most, if not all of my money on the outrageous rents of Amsterdam housing.
4. Last but not least - discovering the area and wandering through new cities and environments.

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