Shayne o.

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Redland Bay, Queensland, Australia

Über Shayne o.

61 Jahre alt | Box Office Supervisor - RPAC - Redland City Council - Cleveland Queensland Australia

I am a writer and currently between permanent homes as I don't wished to be tied down to a home of my own as unsure where I eventually wish to settle. I also want to move around for cultural writing inspiration. I have fairly recently left full-time employment as a supervisor at a council performing arts venue (6.5 years). I then lived for 4 months in Jordan with a few weeks spent in Egypt living within urbanised communities to gain cultural knowledge of the environment and lifestyle of the traditional indigenous Bedouin people's. I am now wishing to learn and write about other traditional and non-traditional communities. I have owned several homes in the past which I have either built or renovated and enjoy garden Design and Interior Decorating. I also love history, heritage, culture and the arts. I have experience with domestic animals but am capable of looking after other non-domesticated animals which I would enjoy having experience spending holidays with farm-based family and friends over the years, most recently in Jordan tending goats and chickens. Through personal recommendations I have home sat a unit on the Gold Coast, a townhouse in Cleveland, a large canal home in Cleveland and the home I currently reside in at Redland Bay. All of these homes have been in Queensland Australia. I am inquisitive and looking for a change of pace and environment and hope your home will be perfect from a comfort point of view and to explore the area. Reviews are available upon request.

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