Wendy d.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Wendy d.

48 Jahre alt | Primary School Teacher

I love all animals and offer a wide experience with caring for many kinds of pets. I have extensive experience in the care and maintenance of aquariums of all types. I have also cared for, and understand the needs of many exotic pets, including Australian parrots, rodents, lizards, axolotls, salamanders and tortoises. I am a cat lover and always keep at least one cat, I currently have two beautiful kittens. . I am experienced in keeping cats indoors, as well as medicating animals. I also have 20 chickens, so I am very familiar with the needs of chickens, both nutritional and medical, from incubation onwards. I love dogs, though it has been many years since I have had one. I have cared for other people's dogs. I am willing to look after farm animals. I do not panic in an emergency and can solve many problems independently. I understand a little French and Italian.

I own my own home, a detached house with a garden. I cut the grass, maintain the garden and clean the house myself, with help from my two teenage sons.

I am a 42 year old teacher in a Catholic Primary School in Melbourne, Australia. As such, I am required to maintain the highest levels of trust through regular criminal record checks. I am a non-smoker.

I also have post-graduate qualifications in genealogy and so am very interested in the history of places and people. I my sons are both generally very quiet. Both love to play with animals, they particularly enjoy the company of cats, and of dogs who like to play games. One likes music and cars, the other loves food and football (soccer). Like most boys their age they love playing games online with friends, but they have been without wifi for a week at a time with no ill effects.

We all like quiet walks in the countryside, as well as tourist attractions, theme parks and beaches.

I plan on travelling in Europe from between the end of July and the end of September 2019. I would love to reintroduce myself and my children to Europe. We have not visited since 2009 when they were both very small. I would be very happy to care for homes almost anywhere. We have ancestral connections to the Netherlands, England, France, Germany and Italy.

I am looking for house sitting opportunities between one and three weeks in a variety of locations, including cities, beaches and country areas with historic interest. We are Australians, so we love to swim, beaches, swimming pools and lakes are particularly attractive to us in the warmer months.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Felix, 21 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Rocco, 18 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

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