Barry & laura m.

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Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Über Barry & laura m.

40 Jahre alt | Network Engineer & Medical Rep

Hi! Thanks so much for viewing our profile. We are Laura and Barry, a 35 year old British couple originally from Manchester, UK.

We have a wealth of reviews on trustedhousesitters that you can view here...

As we don't have any children, in May this year we started an amazing adventure travelling around the world. We spent our first 6 months driving around America and were lucky enough to visit 42 states! We then skied across Canada and are now eating our way through Asia doing a house sit in Thailand then onto Aus for a few more house sits before heading back to Europe for a few months.

In the past 9 months, we skiied, RV'd, driven, and house sat our way around the world and made some amazing friends and seen the most wonderful things!

Myself Laura, was a successful Medical Devices Sales Rep in the UK and Barry worked both in IT and has a successful property business which has funded our travels and will continue to do so.

Travelling is our passion and we have been very lucky over the years to travel extensively around the world but we aren't quite ready to hang up our travelling hats yet!

To say we are both obsessed with animals is an understatement. I am a feline fanatic and have grown up in the countryside around horses, pigs, sheep and we both love dogs! We literally can't walk past a dog without stopping to introduce ourselves!

As a couple, we are engaged and have been together for 6 years. We are very clean, tidy (to the point of perfectionism!) house proud people with Barry very capable of home repairs and are both excellent gardeners! Our passions include food (for sure one of our biggest loves) walking, skiing, hiking, cycling and generally being fit and healthy.

We are really easy going and friendly people and would be happy to FaceTime or Skype or meet the night before any house sits we are selected for.

We are both incredibly excited at the thought of meeting some more amazing people and their beloved pets and seeing even more of the world!

We have now completed 7 house sits (see reviews on which were absolutely wonderful and we are onto our eighth sit. We are thoroughly loving the whole experience and can't quite believe how fortunate we are to be able to do this.

Hopefully meet you and your pets soon!

Why they want to house sit
We are true travelling enthusiasts and this allows

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Barry, 40 Jahre alt, Network Engineer / Landlord, Ehepartner / Partner
Laura, 41 Jahre alt, Medical Rep, Ehepartner / Partner

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