Nina s.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Nina s.

42 Jahre alt | Journalist

Dear house owner(s),
I am a single lady at the age of 38.
I live and work in Paris.
I was born in Slovenia, EU.
I am a responsible person. I am very caring and a perfectionist and I love animals, especially cats and I have a lot of experience with taking care of cats. My aunt got cats since my childhood so I was always in touch with them and taking care of them, as well feeding the street cats and making a winter house for them. I love to play with cats and caress them with lots of tenderness.
I am known as a very loving person and being in harmony with myself and others. In my country I am a journalist writing about theatre, cinema and literature. I did study languages and philosophy. I used to be a professional athlete, running 200 m track. I did travel a lot, mainly in Asia, where I did reside for a few years (in India) and experienced different cultures which expanded my horizons.
I am fluent in English and have basic knowledge of French and Italian. I am fluent in Serbian and Croatian.
I know how to take care of the garden as well since we have a big garden with lots of plants and vegetables at my family house.
I am looking forward to experience being a house / pet sitter.
Best wishes,

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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