Leslie b.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Über Leslie b.

69 Jahre alt | Manager of Volunteers

We are a married couple with experience looking after homes and pets. I am a retired Manager of Volunteers and Garnet is a retired Manager of Therapeutic Recreation in the health care fields.

We are long time volunteers and currently volunteer in our community (care homes, hospitals, community special events) in Saskatchewan Canada.

We are very active outdoor people and enjoy walking, hiking and cycling. We are passionate travellers and love experiencing new cultures and communities.

Garnet and I are long term home owners. Respect and honesty is something we offer and is an importart trait for someone staying in your home and looking after your precious pets. Our experience includes caring for all aspects of our home and gardens.

We have had the opportunity to enjoy pet and house sitting on several occasions in British Columbia, Canada. Those experiences allowed us to take care of all aspects of their pets lives (daily walks, grooming, feeding, litter cleaning, poop scooping, and lots of loving), immerse our selves in their communities, meet neighbours and take care of their homes.

Growing up with cats, dogs, fish and turtles in our homes taught us a love of pets. While we raised our children we always had pets in our home. It taught our children to love animals, learn empathy, respect and to be caring.

Thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact us at any time.
Leslie & Garnet

References supplied upon request.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Garnet, 69 Jahre alt, Director of Therapeutic Recreation, Ehepartner / Partner

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