Around the world in 80 house/pet sits

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Around the world in 80 house/pet sits

Freelance Trainer | Allein

Ellis was born in England of Dutch parents and grew up in the Caribbean. We have been defined by the fact that we have lived in a variety of countries and travelled extensively in our lives. We thrive and are energised by the challenges of adjusting to new customs and making new friends
We have worked for international non-profit organisations in the past and currently are both freelancers working from our laptops. Our work means that we are ‘digital nomads’ giving us total flexibility where we live. So, we think that caring for your home and pets while you travel is an ideal arrangement for you as well as for us!
Our ideal house sit would have high-speed internet, pleasant scenery and friendly house owners/pets. Traveling is not a problem but we do love if home owners take into consideration that although we both have driving licences, we do not own a car. Everything else is up for discussion. As we are home owners, we understand the strong feelings that come with trusting the person that is going to sit your property and pets.

We are at a stage in our lives of deciding where we would like to next live that would suit us for retirement in the future. We think that house sitting is a great way to help us in our search for our next place to call home by providing the ideal opportunity to experience different places first hand. Hence our fun goal of ‘around the world in 80 house/pet sits’ to help us take a decision.

This is our first time joining a dedicated house-sitting website but we have the necessary experience in looking after pets and keeping house.
We have house-sit for close friends and family members for varying durations. In fact, Ellis did her first house sit at the age of 18. We have also been renting places on Airbnb for a number of years and have very positive reviews from the hosts. We are confident that we can do the same for you! Additionally, Ellis has experience in successfully running a guesthouse in Victoria Falls Zimbabwe that included on top of the guests, kids and a variety of animals.
We have both shared our lives with animals around us. Ellis has an intuitive bond with most animals and an especially strong connection with cats. People say

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ellis, Information professional / Digital coach trainer, Andere

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