Rebecca p.

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Portland, Oregon, United States

Über Rebecca p.

60 Jahre alt | Technical Design Senior Director

Hello! We are a couple in our 50's and 60's who retired a couple of years ago. We are spending most of our time travelling and enjoying the Pacific Northwest where we live. We owned our last home for 19 years and recently sold it. I have a degree in Interior Design and I love to remodel and organize homes. We had a large yard with a garden and many native plants for attracting birds. I love to garden and generally be outside in nature. We have had many dogs throughout the years and most would describe me as a little dog crazy. I love all breeds and sizes. We are animal lovers at heart. My husband has raised chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs as well as trained labs for hunting. I have more than 500 hundred volunteer hours at the Oregon Humane Society walking and training dogs. I have also worked as a contractor for WAG walking dogs. We are interested in taking care of your home and pets and feel well qualified to do so. We love to explore new towns and areas. We like to camp and are generally happy with just the basics. We are happy to share any more information that you may require.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tom, 66 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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