Anik l.

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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Über Anik l.

51 Jahre alt | Retired

Hi Everyone!

I am looking to house/ pet sit! I am quiet, mature (mid 40's), non-smoking and non-drinking person.

I am a retired civilian employee from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (which means I passed all security clearances) and currently am working as a life coach building some online courses.

Over the last year - I took sabbatical time to travel - 5 months in 34 foot RV across USA & parts of Mexico and another 5 months in Europe. I have loved travelling and want to continue my travels at a slower pace. Home is in Ottawa/ Mississauga.

Generally speaking I am a home body, love to cuddle and play (with pets), have owned/ loved pets (cats and dogs). I am now an experienced house sitter with much home owner experience (I have owned a home for over 15 years) and it is currently tenanted because of long term travel plans. I have also lived in apts and condo's and therefore I know how to manage a home/ apt or condo.

I am active (gym, outdoors), love to meditate, love my work, love movies & enjoy cooking and am pretty good at it (I have even left meals prepared for homeowners upon their return just to make life easier). I lead a quiet life (some may say boring however I love it).

I have a profile on trusted housesitters with references that you can check out!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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