Joanne R.

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Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Über Joanne R.

56 Jahre alt | Writer, psychologist, meditation teacher

I am a writer, with graduate degrees in philosophy and transpersonal psychology, and I've also trained in breathwork, energy healing and inner alchemy. For the past 5 years I have been teaching workshops and holding retreats internationally. I am Romanian born, US raised/citizen, and lived in Berlin for the past 10 years where I was married to a German - I am recently divorced, with no dependents. I am currently taking a break from organizing events to complete my second book, so I can work from anywhere ... and am free and flexible to travel spontaneously.

My main goal in life is living with awareness and integrity, and relating to myself, other people and all beings with compassion. I treat others as I want to be treated in turn, and believe that whatever energy I put out comes back to me in the web of life that connects us all. I am a vegetarian, nonsmoker, clean, mature, responsible, and friendly. I prefer housesitting cats as they tend to be more autonomous, but I am equally at home with dogs. I have a calming influence upon animals, and can also give a form of reiki (reconnective healing) if needed. I have taken care of homes with large gardens, and am also handy with minor repairs - I've remodelled a few of my own apartments in the past.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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