Eimear & ian d.

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Dublin, Dublin, Ireland


Über Eimear & ian d.

50 Jahre alt | Veterinary Surgeon / Véterinaire

We are a married Irish couple in our forties, Eimear worked for years as a veterinary surgeon (vet) and Ian specialised in animal health science. Open to a variety of rural or urban house sits in France, Europe, Asia, Africa and Worldwide. Well traveled, with house sitting and pet sitting experience and references.
We love to travel, meet new people, see new places, explore new cultures and practice our language. We believe house-sitting gives an opportunity to live amongst the community and experience the real country we are visiting, whilst offering the homeowners peace of mind that their home and/or family pets are safe, secure and cared for as we would our own.
We have experience of house-sitting in Ireland, France, Australia and worldwide, including pet-minding.
As you can see from our professions, we naturally love and have vast experience caring for animals. We have an especially soft spot for cats! We also like walking (with or without doggie companions), cycling and are also very open to minding pet birds, chickens and lots more! We are reliable and honest.
We are happy to look after your home and as home owners ourselves, we are house proud, practically minded and responsible. We also are experienced 'workaways' (helping out homeowners in return for accommodation and board).
We speak moderate French, love to chat to people and are confident managing in a foreign language area. We have our own car, which we may bring to long term sits in Europe.
We are strict non-smokers, have full clean driving licenses and have never had any form of criminal conviction. We have our own private health / medical insurance and EU health cards. We would not travel with any pets of our own nor children.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ian, Scientist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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