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Reno, Nevada, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen


59 Jahre alt | Travel/Lifestyle Writer | Allein

Greetings; I am a "50-something" business professional from California/Nevada who has turned my love of travel into a full-time career. As a homeowner in the USA and "Mama" to previous Fur Babies, I understand the importance of trusting someone with your home and "children" while away. It will be an honor to provide you with peace of mind, caring for your home and pets at a level that exceeds your expectations. My interests include piano, reading, freelance writing, the great outdoors, cooking, exploring local cultures, and mentoring the next generation. IMPORTANT: I am now a full-time Portugal resident.
In the past, I have been the "Go-To" person to watch over family/friends homes, gardens, and pets while they travel. People tell me I speak fluent Feline/Canine and quickly connect with animals, which puts them at ease. Having spent time living on a ranch, I'm not afraid to get dirty caring for animals or a garden. My problem-solving skills are high, thus allowing you more peace of mind knowing I keep my cool should situations arise - like a broken water main in Greece or a cranky washing machine in France. I am respectful, organized, live with a sense of gratitude, and believe in going the extra mile in all I do.
I am a US citizen, living full-time in Portugal and willing to travel globally on an individual basis. My schedule is flexible to accommodate your needs. Because I work online, you can expect me to be "at your home" much of the time, looking after your pets and home with the level of care that I would want. I am mature, neat, love to spend time with animals, and self-motivated. Please feel free to request additional 5-star recommendations. I have MANY from other pet-sitting sites and am happy to share.
It's an honor to learn and write about daily life around our small world, and housesitting provides the opportunity to see the world in a secure environment. Honestly, I really miss having furry friends in my life.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sherry k.

Cleveland, United States - Januar 2020

We cannot say enough wonderful things about Sandi. Our experience with Sandi was stellar from the very get go. She is a LOVELY person, soft spoken, kind and sociable. Most importantly, for us, was the fact that she is indeed, "The Cat Whisperer"! We have 4 inside cats, one of whom is very shy and selective about his "people". Sandi won his heart in a matter of days! Our biggest worry was that they may pine for Sandi once she is gone! Sandi faced many challenges while at our home, the biggest was language...a small Greek island with very few people speaking Greek...she more than managed! She also had to deal with power and water outages. To say she is resourceful would be an understatement . Sandi has a great sense of curiosity and adventure, and is 150%% capable of dealing with any situation. Both my husband and I would whole heartedly recommend Sandi for any and all house/pet sit situations. Our fondest hope is that she will come back to visit with us sometime. Delightful woman!


Oktober 2019

Sandra is a very nice person. She took care of my dogs as if they were hers and the dogs loved her. She is a positive person, cultured and it's a pleasure to have her around. In fact I hope she will be able to come back one day. She is a trustable person and I feel 100%% sure in suggesting her to anybody who has animals at home or not. Thank you Sandra!

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