Mairin m.

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Annecy, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

Über Mairin m.

57 Jahre alt | English & History Teacher

Hi I'm Máirín (Maureen in English) and I'm a 51 year old Irish woman who has been living in Annecy, France for 11 years. I absolutely love to travel, and have lived in many countries. However, for the last 11 years I have worked mostly as an English Literature and History Teacher in private schools in Geneva, Switzerland. (references available if you want).

I am divorced with no children, and last year I decided to take a break from the grind to work on personal projects and self development. I am a Writer although as yet unpublished. Part of this rediscovery would be to see a little bit of the world again. I love the idea of housesitting because with my writing projects, I would prefer not to be moving too much.

I absolutely love animals, and if you have any to mind it is a plus. I am very house-proud and have a lovely apartment on Lake Annecy myself. I have Airbnbed it a lot of you want to look at the comments about my Airbnb. However, this year because I am not working it is not easy financially, so I have taken a housemate which is more stable, and stopped the Airbnb.

I have certain ideas about where I would like to go, but for now I want to see if any propositions are made because I am quite open.

I am really looking forward to hearing from you!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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