Ciara r.

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Galway, County Galway, Ireland

Über Ciara r.

29 Jahre alt | Masters Student

Hi! I am Ciara. I am based in Dublin (Ireland), and currently pursuing a Masters in Project Management. For the summer, I am looking to explore and travel to new destinations with the aim to just write up my thesis.

I am neat and organised, with my prime concern keeping your home secure. I understand that your pets are an extension of the family. I have experience with dogs, cats and birds (duck, chicken and parrot). I have raised and trained small and big dogs with their special personalities (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Border Collie, Jack Russel, English Pointer, and Labradors).

I can provide character referees and would love to talk beforehand, to make sure that you are comfortable with myself. If you are away you want to make sure that everything is in safe hands, which with myself it will be.

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