Kloe d.

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Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Über Kloe d.

32 Jahre alt | Waitress

Hi! My name is Kloe, I am a 27 year old French Canadian with a passion for travel! I have travelled around South East Asia, India, Australia, New Zealand, central America and I am currently exploring Europe (Studying in Prague until beginning of May.) Enough about travelling, lets talk about my love for animals. We all have that friend who has to pet every single dog that cross path.. Well that person's me! Since I can remember, I have always loved animals and they love me back. I had a dog for 15 years, who was only supposed to live until 10 years old, according to the veterinarians (heart condition). I like to think he lived so long because of all the love he received.
As for house-sitting experience? I have house-sit and been a pet-sitter for multiple friends over the years. I have house-sit in two houses for couple weeks each and loved it. As for pet-sitting, I've done it numerous times. I am the go to person for friends and family when it comes to looking after their animal.
It can be hard to trust someone with your house and your kids (yes I believe your pets are as important as your kids), but I strongly believe that I am the right person for the job. I have only house-sit/pet-sit for friends and family so far, but if you give me the chance you will not regret it. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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