Elena & davide r.

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Turin, Piedmont, Italy

Über Elena & davide r.

42 Jahre alt | Gardner/handyman

Hi, we're an Italian couple traveling around the world. During the last year we've spent a lot of time being helpers for people that needed housekeepers, gardners, cleaners and general odd jobs (references available).
Davide has a Degree in Agricultural Science and Techniques. For 8 years he's been the private gardener and handyman in the villa where we lived with the owners; there he took care of the 6000 sqm green area cleaning paths, cutting grass and trees, maintening water and drainage systems, repairing gates and automated when it occoured.
He has a passion for carpentry and likes to work with wood, our previous experiences are: some carpentry on a boat (renewing the kitchen and building a temporary bridge), in a campervan (some shelves and drawers, the bed, the kitchen) and created some structures such as pergolas and benches.
He knows about the management of chlorine pools.
Good technical knowledge about audio mixer, light mixer, instant translation equipment due to his second job as a technician in fairs and congresses.
Driving license B, he can drive cars, vans and 125 cc motorbikes.
He took a sailing class in Florida, but unfortunately didn`t challenge the ASA certification due to the hurricane Irma, hopes to do it soon.
He got some more sailing experience in Baltimore and together with Elena in Australia, New Zealand and in the Mediterranean.
Elena is a quiet, easy going and open minded person, precise, very tidy and responsible.
She's a degree in foreign languages (English and Spanish) and she's been working in Tourism above all (Customer relations and event organizer, Travel agent, Tour leader on cruise ships, Tourist assistant, marketing and booking operator).
We both have a good working knowledge of computers and of the main software programs.
We don`t smoke, we love animals and working with them (dogs, cats, horses, ecc), we can speak English, Spanish, and of course Italian.

Hoping for a wonderful collaboration with you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Davide, 47 Jahre alt, Gardner handyman, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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