Camilla k.

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Über Camilla k.

28 Jahre alt | Engineer

Hi there!

My name is Camilla, I grew up in Ontario and have recently finished my undergraduate degree in Environmental Engineering in British Columbia, Canada, I am looking to help out with any house sitting needs and explore a bit this summer before I begin my masters program in a different country. I have experience tending to gardens, landscaping work, as well as years of tending to my family's fish that reside in their home and outdoor pond.

I'm clean and a non-smoker . I have lived with roommates and pets for the past five years; one could argue that I have experience cleaning up after people and animals! I typically enjoy a more quite lifestyle of reading, running and photography, but this does not mean I don't enjoy engaging in a good conversation!

Unfortunately, I don't have experience in tending to horses or exotic animals, but I am always open to learning something new and helping out an animal in need. :)

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