Courtney P.

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Sacramento, California, United States

Über Courtney P.

46 Jahre alt | Disabled/Home loan underwriter | Allein

Hi I am a single female in my mid fourties residing in Montana after a 5 year relocation to Texas but I am an original California Girl!! I am currently disabled but have never let that hold me back in life, where there is a will there is a way!! My original career was in banking, working as a home loan processor & underwriter & I have a degree in psychology. I have a fully papered semi retired service dog, Zoey, who is my world. She usually travels with me everywhere but can be left at home upon request. English is my first language but am currently refreshing the Spanish I took in High School and College, so stay tuned! I love traveling and forming international relationships and I love to help in any way I can. I adore pets of all kinds and have a fairly green thumb so go see the world, and know, that I will treat your home and furbabies (or featherbabies, reptilebabies etc.) like they are my own!! I am currently helping an Vietnam Vet friend of mine who is on the medical mend so I can wear many hats. I will be looking for jobs domestically and internationally as I also possess a current passport. I have lived abroad and have no problem, with some direction, immersing myself in the environment. I travel so I know how amazing it is to have peace of mind when you travel.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Zoey, 13 Jahre alt, Woman's best friend Borde Collie, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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