Olaf k.

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Porto, Porto District, Portugal

Über Olaf k.

41 Jahre alt | sustainability + built environment

After having lived in a few different countries, I am now starting on a journey of a somewhat more nomadic lifestyle. I was born and raised in The Netherlands, have lived in London in my twenties, thereafter I lived six years in Rio de Janeiro, and now I am living between Porto and Amsterdam. I work as a freelance designer/ content creator with focus on sustainbility in the built environment, and work from home. I therefore want to make the most of this oportunity to explore different places around the globe.

I love animals, and have always been surrounded by dogs, birds and cats. I have my own four feeted daughter, a 3 year old stray dog that we adopted in Brasil and took to Europe with us (she is on the photo with me). Whilst I wonder around a bit, she will stay with my partner in Porto. Or, if it is near, and allowed, I would love to bring her on a homesit.

I love being in nature in an active way, trying to cycle or run whenever I have the opportunity. Also love to cook a meal for myself and for friends, acompanied by a nice wine. I am a vegetarian with one foot in veganism, and love to try new recipes. However I also love a city vibe, and can be equally happy in a more urban location. I think the beauty of the nomadic lifestyle is that you can alternate between those different environments.

Other than that, I am good with plants/gardening and general upkeeping of a house. I am a very reliable person and will take the utmost care of the property. And of course would give a lot of love and attention to the animals in the house.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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