Katy t.

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Kuwait City, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait

Über Katy t.

37 Jahre alt | Educational Psychologist

Hello beautiful people!

My name is Katy and I’m a 32 year-old educational psychologist. I love my profession and work hard for it, but like to balance this with travel during my time off. I grew up with dogs and cats, and have never known my life without having an animal companion - I think they’re a vital part of my (perhaps eveyone’s?) well-being!

I work as a school psychologist at an international school in Kuwait, so I end up having a fair amount of holidays during the year. I like to travel in the same way that I like to live - solo, with an animal companion. In the solo travelling that I’ve recently done, I’ve really found myself missing a pet to come home to! Furthermore, I think there’s great value in exploring a place from the perspective of living in a local’s home - it gives a genuine edge to travel that can’t be found from hotels.

I will also be searching for a house-sitter to look after my darling Lulu Siberian cat while I travel this Summer, so I understand that putting your pet in the hands of a stranger can be scary - but I promise to take care of your pets as I would my own.

Over the years, I have mothered 4 cats and 6 dogs. While this is my first time registering on a formal house-sitting site, I have looked after countless friends’ pets over the years.

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