Rachel g.

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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Über Rachel g.

27 Jahre alt | Packing and Administration

I'm a part-time student, part-time administration worker who is keen to learn more about the world through house sitting.
It's exciting for me as I love to experience new local surroundings, can be a homebody at times, and am always grateful for some animal company as my landlord doesn't allow pets.
I'm very clean, a non-smoker, and care a lot about making sure your pet's lifestyle is maintained while you're away. In my spare time I love going to see live music, doing yoga, and taking care of my house plants.
Now that borders have reopened, I am excited to finally be able to house sit abroad while I study online!

I'm new to Nomador, but not new to house sitting. I have been house sitting and the past four years, and dog walking for two years. If you would like to see any references from people I've previously house sat for outside of Nomador, please let me know and I'll be sure to pass them on.

Any further questions, please contact me!

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