Gaya v.

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Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Gaya v.

44 Jahre alt | Self employed

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Lina B.

Soisy-sous-Montmorency, France - Dezember 2021

Gaya will love and take care about your pets as if they were hers. She will contact you in case of any problem (sickness or whatever) and strictly do what you tell her to do and she will regularly give you news about them. All this is very reassuring when you are far away. She also take care of your place at least as well as you if not better as far as I am concerned. Also my two little dogs are very fearful dogs that can look and be agressive towards unknown people especially ones who are afraid of them, they loved Gaya so much that they still look for her in the bedroom she used up the stairs. Gaya is definitely the best petsitter ever and a very intelligent and interesting woman. We are all very happy to know her.

Lina B.

Soisy-sous-Montmorency, France - Oktober 2021

Gaya is definitely the best petsitter I ever had. We will welcome her as often as possible and it is a real pleasure to meet such a lovely women. She is sweet with my dogs and they love her. I feel secure when she looks after them and the house which, by the way, was perfectly clean. Again she had prepared a delicious dinner when I came back from holidays. You can safely go on holidays, all your instructions will be perfectly respected. Thank you again very much Gaya

Lina B.

Soisy-sous-Montmorency, France - August 2021

Gaya est la meilleure petsitter que nous ayons eues. Elle a été très douce avec mes deux petites chiennes. Elle me donnait des nouvelles à chaque fois que je le demandais. Quand je suis rentrée de vacances assez tard en soirée, elle m'avait même préparé un diner, ce que j'ai énormément apprécié car sinon je n'aurais rien eu à manger. Par ailleurs la maison était nickel chrome et bien rangée. C'était un grand plaisir de discuter avec elle. C'est une personne si intéressante et adorable que je lui ai même proposé de rester quelques jours de plus avec nous pour profiter de la maison et lui faire découvrir les environs. Il n'a pas été facile de ne retenir que trois pictogrammes pour la qualifier car elle a énormément de qualités à tous points de vue. Vous pouvez lui confier votre maison et vos animaux de compagnie en toute confiance et en toute sérénité, tout ira bien. Gaya is our best petsitter ever ! She was so sweet with my two little dogs... She would give news whenever I would ask.They loved her and were looking for her when she left. When I came back late in the evening from my holidays she had cooked some meal for me. I appreciated it very much because otherwise I would have had nothing to eat. The house was very clean. It was also a real pleasure to discuss with her and she is such an interesting and lovely woman that I invited her to stay a few more days to relax in the house with me and my dogs. It was difficult to choose only three pictograms to qualify her because she was perfect in all respects. You can definitely let your house and pets to Gaya and be relax during your holidays. Everything will be ok.

Angeline d.

Paris, France - Dezember 2019

J ai été très contente de confier Nouchka a Gaya. Gaya est une personne de confiance et m a régulièrement envoye des nouvelles et des photos, ce qui est très rassurant. Gaya est également une personne très a l écoute, comprend que laisser son chat et sa maison n est pas chose facile. Enfin Gaya est très sympathique et ouverte sur le monde. Je recommande vivement Gaya.

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