Anne nordin

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Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Anne nordin

62 Jahre alt | Director of Technical Services, Forest Research Institute Malaysia

I am Anne, a recently retired civil servant with the Forest Research Institute Malaysia. With retirement , I now have time to enable me to indulge in my passion for travel, love for animals and nature. Rather than being content being in an empty nest, traveling meeting new people and taking care of cats and small animals make me feel useful and fulfilled.

I am a non-smoker, does not drink, eat healthy, fully vaccinated and boosted. I am a member TrustedHousesitters since February 2022 and has so far completed 13 house sits in Sydney, Australia, Kuala Lumpur, Scotland and England, Belgium, South Korea and presently preparing to go to Singapore. I received excellent reviews for all that I have house sat so far.

I am subscribing to Nomodor as I have heard so many positive reviews on this platform. I intend to offer my services and travel to as far and wide as homeowners will have me. I would be happy if you would consider me as a potential house sitter.

I am a calm matured person but I have lots of energy (and love) to do the necessary tasks. I love going for hikes too and believes in a well balance life of giving and receiving love from people I meet in my travels as well as all the amazing pets I sit. As a senior solo traveler, I make it a point to be home before dark.

Please be assured that I will take care of my charges to the best of my abilities and follow all routines and responsibilities as laid out so that you enjoy your holiday with peace of mind.


Email : [email protected]
Mobile : +60139300323

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