Julia h.

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Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Über Julia h.

42 Jahre alt | Remote Worker (Content Director)

Hello! I'm an experienced house sitter and pet sitter/lover. [I don't charge]

One of the advantages of choosing me as a pet sitter is that I work from home, which means I get to spend most of the day with the animals! I'm a content director for a music industry website (in Spanish) and a project manager for another company. I keep busy and I love using house sitting as an exchange to travel and connect with like minded people.

My first pet sit was in 2018 when I looked after Lana, a lovely French Bulldog in Sitges, about 30min from Barcelona. They were so happy they asked me to come back that Christmas while they were traveling. ( I have references from them on another house sitting site)

From November 2018 to August 2019 I shared a flat with two lovely kittens (and their Human of course!) and I got to experience a lot of looking after and falling in love with cats. I often pet sit for her when she went away on the weekends.

This year I looked after two precious cats in the South West of France, where I also looked after a huge house, with a vegetable garden and a potager nearby. (references outside of Nomador).

And right this moment I'm looking after a gorgeous cat in Florence, Italy, and loving every minute!. (references also available outside Nomador).

I speak English, Spanish and bit of French (still learning).

Right now I'm looking for a house/pet sit in the Provence area (ideally Marseille) to be close to some friends and do a few errands I need to finish over there.

If you like my profile, do send me a message and we can arrange for a Skype/Whatsapp video call right away.

Thank you and looking forward to meeting you and your pets!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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