Heather & vic

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Fernie, British Columbia, Canada

Über Heather & vic

52 Jahre alt | Semi-Retired (Previously Self-employed Bookkeeper and Tax Preparer)

We are a reliable, trustworthy, active, empty-nester couple who enjoy traveling. Our past home ownerships have given us many skills in renovations, repairs, maintenance and landscaping which will give a homeowner peace of mind that we are capable house sitters. Caring for and loving our pets has always been an important part of our family life since we were both young children and this is a joy we have shared with our two sons. Many of our happiest cherished memories are the ones we have shared with our furry family members while enjoying long walks, playing at the beach, camping or cuddling on the couch together. For these reasons our friends have entrusted us with their homes and pets many times in the past while they travelled. This experience has given us the confidence in knowing that we can take care of and respect other people’s property and pets.

Prior to being semi-retired we were both business owners. Vic owned a commercial and residential pool and hot tub company which included retail sales, repairs, service and maintenance for seventeen years. Heather had a bookkeeping and income tax preparation business with a variety of clientele for eighteen years. We also operated an Airbnb suite within our home and felt proud to attain the level of Superhosts because of our outstanding guest reviews. Our guests always commented positively on our high standards of cleanliness and hospitality.

Being experienced travelers to many countries we are very adaptable to different environments and cultures and we enjoy “living as locals”. Our first language is English and we are studying Spanish with Vic at Intermediate level and Heather beginner level. We welcome you to contact us for further information about us and are happy to provide references.

We feel that house and pet sitting is the perfect pursuit for us because we love animals but our current life situation does not allow us to have pets at this time. We miss the companionship and the time spent with our furry companions. It brings joy to our hearts when we see happy pets and look forward to many shared moments such as walks in new places and snuggles on the couch. We welcome the opportunity to make a pet feel loved and comfortable while their family is away. Now that our children have recently left home to pursue studies we have decided to begin a chapter in our lives which includes travel, learning a new language and volunteering our time. We love to travel and welcome t

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Vic, 59 Jahre alt, Semi-Retired (Previous Owner of commercial and residential pool and hot tub company), Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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