Christy v.

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Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States

Über Christy v.

53 Jahre alt | EA, Accountant

I have the luxury of working from home, which means I can work from anywhere in the world. I have recently visited the UK and a few countries in Europe and am considering moving from the United States...most likely to France or the Netherlands. But first I would like to see more and find out if I could really be happy with a permanent move. I am a responsible professional in my 40's. For the most part I will travel alone, although I do have a 26 year old and if I can get her to visit I would love to have her experience another world as well. I love animals and enjoy keeping my living space very clean and organized. I would require wi-fi / internet access so that I can work and if in an area without public transportation, I would need a car. I have a clean criminal background and a clean driving record. I have been married, raised my daughter, she has graduated I am ready to see more of the world in which I live. I was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia, US, therefore I have many references that have known me for almost my entire life. I am just an average American who has been bitten by the travel bug! You can trust me with your home and your pets...I will treat them both as if they were my own.

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