Atifa a.

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Über Atifa a.

31 Jahre alt | Digital nomad

I am a young adult, adventurous world traveler who will be traveling with my friendly doggy. I am a reliable, clean, respectful and trustworthy person. I am dedicated and have hard work ethics. I love to travel, it is my passion and I am great at taking care of homes. I believe a person's home is their sacred space, therefore I always keep a clean home. I always leave a person's home in the condition they've left it to me or better. I am a vegetarian, I am quiet and an overall positive person. I practice yoga and meditation daily and always try to be kind to others. I am a social butterfly, I love socializing and meeting new people. I am a conversationalist and love communicating and uplifting others in their personal lives. I love talking about the world and sharing my knowledge. My doggy, her name is Kay for short and she is an Australian cattle dog mix breed. She is as adventurous as I am and loves traveling with me and meeting new people. She is my world. I love house-sitting because I am a digital nomad, stay at home fur mama and I know how to maintain and look after a home to the best of my abilities.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kay , 7 Jahre alt, Being a dog, Andere

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