Michaela m.

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RT, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Über Michaela m.

62 Jahre alt | Coach

Hi dear owners, we are a quiet , middleaged couple since 18 years and we love to travel around. My husband Tom is still retired and at home. He is looking after our two cats ( Marla was rescued in Spain and Sheila adopted us because she was treated badly at her former home) and is doing the housework that has to be done in our big flat.

I am working as a coach and healer for humans and animals and in the evening, I enjoy the delicious dinner , my husband has cooked. The older we get , the more we want to see from the world. And we are also looking for a new place to live, because we feel that it is time for a change. This year is the year of discovering Europe and maybe to find a new home. So housesitting would be a great opportunity for us, to experience what life is like at this place.

When we are travelling, we are looking for catsitters as well. The whole time now, we have been lucky to have friends, staying at our appartment and taking care of our pets. So we know, how important it is, to find someone to trust in. To be sure, that your home is be treated well and the pets are lovely cared. We promise you, we will take care as it would be our own home and make sure, the pets have everything they need!

Maybe this gave you an first impression of us and it woud be great, to get in Contact!
Anyway, we wish you, to find the the house-sitters that fit perfect to you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Thomas, 66 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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