Peter w.

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Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia


Über Peter w.

70 Jahre alt | chef

Ware a couple in our 60ts.My wife is retired .I'm born and trained as a chef in Switzerland .My wife is Philippian and we met and married in Canada 1981 have 2 groan up daughters with 7 grandchildren .
I speak and write fluently German and English ,used to be fluent with French would need a bit refreshing do understand, some Italian understanding. Wife speaks fluent English and Philippine Tagalog understands some German.
We used to have Rabbits ,Chicken, Fish ,Gini pigs, Cats and a Border Collie for 14 years.
We recently semi retired , and plan do catch up with travel again .We Did house sit in France last summer and enjoyed it very much and made nice friends in the process. We also stayed a few times with Airbnb witch is very similar. We have our own house in Port Macquarie where we moved from 35 years living in Canberra Australia. We maybe consider house swop in future for people that wish to come to Australia.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gloria, 72 Jahre alt, nurse retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Vanessa P.

Juvignac, France - Oktober 2019

Gloria et Peter sont un couple charmant. Ils se sont très bien occupé de nos animaux et de notre jardin. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié faire leur connaissance et nous espérons avoir l’occasion de les revoir. Merci à tous les deux!

Pedro et lorena m.

Avignon, France - Oktober 2019

Peter y Gloria son dos personas magnificas de total confianza. Se instalaron durante tres semanas en casa a cuidado de 2 gatos y algunas plantas, y he de decir que a nuestro regreso, las plantas estaban mejor que cuando nos fuimos y creación de un pequeño potager. Contacto permanente y limpieza perfecta con muy buena decoración ambiental con plantas dentro de casa, animales muy bien cuidados y contentos. Completamente recomendables, pueden volver cuando quieran!

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