Ramona f.

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Bad Tölz, Bavaria, Germany

Über Ramona f.

45 Jahre alt | Nurse, Hypnotherapist, Kids Coach including Dog Therapy

I'm a 39 years old Nurse & Hypnotherapist, having a break from my local practice in Germany, Bavaria and like to stay somewhere warm with my 7 years old pug Milo. Milo works with me in my practice calming kids and parents down even though he had a very sad start in life. He spent his first year in a cage in Thailand until the owner didn't want him anymore because no one could touch him as he was so scared of people. Milo developed amazingly over the years also thanx to my 2 two other dogs at the time. Milos Mother and my Thai dog when I used to live in Thailand. 5 years ago Milos mother got poisoned and my Thaidog Jaidee I gave a way to be safe so today she lives in a German steak Restaurant on Koh Phangan. I am the biggest animal lover ever, I am most of all so loving and caring to animals I've not met one extreme like me. My main aim is our animal's safety, comfort, care & that they receive a lot of love from us. Milo loves to be in a pack of dogs and easily adapt to strangers houses, with their pets as we live currently together with a cat in a big property in Lecce, Italy.
They get along beautifully. Milo is also castrated.
I work on my online business and will be all day and night at home, except walks with the dogs, grocery shopping or swimming if possible. The rest of the time I will stay in the house working online. and making sure all animals are happy, relaxed & satisfied!
I am also an advanced horse rider, owning 5 horses & riding show jumping competitions. I loved to care also for horses. These days I prefer to ride western style and relaxed in nature. Generally, I am a lover of big dogs, too like Berner Sennen dog ( Bernese Mountain , Rottweiler, etc ) but unintentionally becoming a pug owner made me a big lover of this very cute creatures., too !
I also love cats especially living with dogs together if the interact !

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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