Kate and dave

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Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Über Kate and dave

61 Jahre alt | Writer

We have done more than 40 housesits worldwide that involve animal care. We have all 5-star reviews on another platform and can provide references. Kate is a writer and a former university professor, and Dave is a retired business development guy and a photographer. We relish the nomadic, animal-loving life that housesitting makes possible.

We love all animals, are non-smokers, and are vaccinated. Dave is an excellent gardener and very much enjoys tending to indoor and outdoor plants taking care of fruit and vegetable gardens. As former owners of hot tubs and pools, we are good at such maintenance. We both practice in-home yoga and enjoy walking and swimming. On housesits, your animals will gets lots of attention and never be lonely. We have no problem administering required medicines to pets and giving them baths.

We love traveling, but when we are stationed in a home, we enjoy the rituals of domesticity, such as cooking, reading, gardening, and giving love to the pets. Animals we've enjoyed spending time with include large and small dogs, cats with all kinds of personalities, rabbits, ducks, chickens, geese, and fish in aquariums and ponds. We have stayed in the country, suburbs and cities--in large houses and small apartments. We enjoy the variety.

As homeowners (our casita is in Baja, Mexico), we understand the importance of taking good care of your home. We are very resourceful and responsible; when you travel you can be free of worry with your house and pets in our hands.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Dave, 66 Jahre alt, Business development, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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