Liese lotte

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DO, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Liese lotte

35 Jahre alt | Student

i am Lisa, 30 years old, youth care worker and student of social work.
I worked seven years in a childrens home for "emergency removal" teenagers and the last three years in an sociopolitical NGO.
I live in a shared flat with my three lovely flatmates in the infamous Ironcity Dortmund.
At the moment we are rising up a houseprojekt for nine people and two cats - but first we need to fix up the old backyard house, we found. :-)

So i love to share space and time, respect privacy and know how to handel responsible with privat property. Furthermore i love to discover new places and new situations, like challanges and always have an kreative idea for problem solving.

House-sitting i did bevor a lot of times as a "act of friendship", where i fed the cats, took the dogs out for a walk, watered the flowers and cleared the letters-box.

Now i would like to make new experiences and i like the "give-and-take" idea of house-keeping.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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