Rorie s.

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Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Über Rorie s.

34 Jahre alt | Mental Health and Addictions Support Worker

I am a 28 year old guy from Manchester, England who is currently living in Mexico. I am an online English teacher and have also taught in several schools here in Mexico and also in different countries! I love to travel and meet new people and enjoy new experiences. I have spent time living in Canada and New Zealand within recent years! My employment background is within the health sector where I work as a Mental Health and Addictions Recovery Worker. This is a job which I am very passionate about and have many years of experience in! When I am not working I love to go out and explore new places. Adventures are food for my soul :) I also enjoy football and am a supporter of Manchester United (although there has not been a lot to cheer about in recent years)!! I would love the chance to house sit for you and am a very responsible and trust worthy person. I always strive to treat people as I like to be treated myself. Thank you for taking the time to read through my profile and I look forward to answering any questions that you have. Take care :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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