Isaura e.

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Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Isaura e.

32 Jahre alt | Architect

Hi, my name is Isaura, I'm 30 years old and I'm Mexican. I became an Architect in September 2015. I love diving, salsa and bachata dancing, photography, Interior design, exploring cities, meeting people, culture, walking, traveling. I love coffee and spending time at the beach/parks. I enjoy qigong and sometimes I do yoga. Personal growth is my priority. I am an introvert but quite outgoing at the same time. It's easy for me to bond with people, I'm responsible, respectful, and people trust me quite easily, some have told me I make them feel like home. I have traveled to many countries. I did a student change program in France in 2014 and I had the opportunity to visit many countries in Europe at that time. I spent 2 and a half years traveling in Asia before the pandemic started. I travel because traveling helps me with my personal growth, helps me learn and become better, learn more about life and people which I love. This is my Couchsurfing profile if you want to know more about people who have met me thinks about me - Thanks and see you soon!

Basically the best moments in my life have been while traveling. Traveling taught me to perceive moments of life, how simple things such as walking, perceiving the clouds movement, smiling, laughing, can be quite special, an unique moment in life where the only thing you feel is HAPPINNESS.

One of my best moments in life
- Buying a single ticket to Thailand and see what happens (still on the way)
-Waking up before 4 am and climbing the mountain in Vang Vieng , Laos to see the sunrise
- Friday night market in Hanoi, I loved the people and the activities
- Looking at the people dance swing dressed like the 20s in a small bar in Chicago ( I could notice they really enjoyed it and I loved that)
- Bachata and Salsa socials in Singapore and Bangkok! I met amazing people!
- Diving in Indonesia

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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