Laura b.

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Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Über Laura b.

36 Jahre alt | Project Manager

We`re a couple from the same little hometown in northern Germany and we love to travel around our beautiful world. Our biggest hobby we share together is surfing, thats why we already travel a lot through North America, Central America, Asia and Europe. I am a Project Manager in the construction industry and my partner is an Art Director. We`re both nature lovers and my boyfriend is used to gardening and maintenance needs of houses. In his free time he`s always at his father`s place supporting him with several construction projects and cares for the big garden and all the self grown plants in it. I am totally into pets. I grew up with dogs and during my childhood I spent a lot of time on my friends farms so I am used to the contact with bigger animals like cows, horses, pigs and donkeys aswell. Me and my partner we are absolutely animal friendly and we wished to have our own pet, but unfortunately at this moment ists not possible because of our time-consuming jobs. To become a house sitter would be a great chance for us to take care of the animals and be surrounded by nature. We´re pretty reliable and warm-hearted. We could never treat some animal in a bad way. We are surfers, so we love the nature and all animals living on our planet. We hope we could catch your interest and we are looking forward to meeting you, your best friend/s (pet/s) and your house soon. Best wishes from Hamburg, Lars & Laura

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lars-Ove, 37 Jahre alt, Art Director, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch

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