Gwendolyn i.

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Dolphin Coast, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Über Gwendolyn i.

27 Jahre alt | Information Designer

My sister, Anne, and I are wanting to travel around Europe between our studies. We are sisters who share a passion for horses. We are from a close family that enjoys walking the dogs on the beach where we live. My sister au paired in France last year and loved sharing our South African culture with the people who she met. The opportunity to experience a new culture and country while caring for someones pets and home sounds like the perfect opportunity to create new memories and meet new people with accommodation thats budget friendly.

We are respectful of others and are honest. Both of us are non smokers. We are open minded to other people’s culture or religion and easy to get along with. We love the outdoors and plants. I am a youth ambassador for Project Rhino and have helped organise and volunteer for fundraisers around South Africa. I live healthily, am a hard worker and cannot leave a kitchen untidy!

Our mother runs a stable yard and riding school where 23 horses, 3 stable cats and a miniature mule. When our parents go traveling we look after the stable yard and their home. Our family has also house swopped when we all go on holiday and therefore understand what it is like to trust someone else with your home and pets. I know we will do a good job caring for your home and keeping your animal friends happy. And will definitely keep you updated if we are lucky enough to house sit for you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anne, 25 Jahre alt, Graphic Design Student, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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