Brian c.

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Enniscorthy, County Wexford, Ireland

Über Brian c.

74 Jahre alt | Company Director

I am a young-at-heart pensioner who likes to travel, mostly by motorbike and mainly throughout Europe, although I have been to Africa, Singapore, Malaysia and the USA for holidays.
I love animals, especially cats - when I was married we had three cats, but these days I live on a Park Homes estate and cats and dogs are not permitted and I do miss the company of pets. My friends who live nearby have two dogs who always make a big fuss of me when I visit - I feel a great affinity with animals.
As someone who discovered the Beatles in the late 60s and grew up listening to folk and rock music in the 70s and 80s, I love most types of music and play some simple bits on acoustic guitar (for my own amusement!) and also having grown up in that era developed a life-long interest and fascination with all things technical: computers, machines, engines, space travel, etc.
I am a quiet person and enjoy the simple pleasures of life such as a walk in the country or in the mountains with good food & a cold beer at the end of the day.
I can honestly say I'm never bored; whether reading (lots!) fixing somebody's computer, working on my motorbikes or planning my next trip...
Reasonably fit and active, I try to go skiing (downhill) at least two or three times a year and also I particularly enjoy walking. I'm not much of a swimmer but for some reason really like snorkelling!
In the past I have looked after friends' houses, one lady friend who had two cats and another who has a dog, two cats, two hamsters and a snake! oh and two very active young boys! Not forgetting my friends nearby whose home I have looked after several times with their two adorable hounds.
Home/house sitting will hopefully allow me to travel more and of course to meet new people and their pets and who knows, even make new and lasting friendships. I'm looking forward to the experience!

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