Mariya b.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Fes, Fez-Meknès, Morocco

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Mariya b.

27 Jahre alt | medical student

Hello! I m Marya, a 25 year old medical student raised between Belgium and Morocco, growing up, I ve had several furry family members ( a cat , a dog , 2 rabbits , birds, turtles , even some chickens) so it's only natural for me to adore animals! trust me , your pets will receive so much love and attention from me. I often travel with my mom , a science teacher who is as fond of these little souls as me.
We love to travel together as much as we can , but sometimes,( when life happens hihi) we go solo, we are both very friendly, open ,caring , affectionate , tidy and responsible .
As home owners, we are used to dealing with the issues that inevitably arise with properties. We 've had people house sit for us before, so we fully understand how it feels to leave your home in someone else's hands, however, we ll always treat the properties we stay in with the same care , respect and attention as if they were our own.We have watched our friends pets countless times , and had people housesit for us many times as well . As we were pet owners ourselves , we are used to the routines and needs of our beloved companions , and we'll be happy to give your pets all the love and attention they need while you're away.we are open , easy going people who love to discover the world and have new experiences, be it by travelling or meeting people from everywhere ,we also much prefer to live in a home environment when travelling, and housesitting gives the perfect opportunity to discover different localities and the people who live there together with the pleasure of caring for other people's animals. At the same time it is very satisfying to be able to enable you, the home owner, to go away happily, knowing that your home is secure and well looked after and that your pets, if you have them, are having a great holiday themselves in safe and caring hands!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Amila, 58 Jahre alt, Enseignante, Elternteil

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Arabisch | Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Caroline B.

Brussels, Belgium - Juli 2023

Mariya et sa maman ont été super! Elles m'ont envoyé des nouvelles régulièrement de mes deux boules de poils et s'en sont super bien occupé. Le contact avec elles était très facile, je les accueillerai à nouveau avec grand plaisir !

Léa c.

Brussels, Belgium - August 2022

Pour notre tout premier home/cat-sitting nous avons eu un super bon feeling avec Mariya et sa maman. La communication était très bonne, tout s'est très bien passé, nous avons eu des nouvelles régulièrement. Aucun stress de notre côté :) Je n'hésiterais pas à recommander Mariya !

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