Raquel edit e.

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Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain

Über Raquel edit e.

70 Jahre alt | architect

I'm a free lance professional (architect), widow, in my sixtees (oh!) but full of energy and enthusiasm for life. I love arts, cinema, music and promenades in nature or in cities (nature created by us).
I lost my beloved cat some months ago (he was almost twenty) so I'll be happy to take care of your cat and discover, or re-discover a new place. I love languages so, staying abroad is a good opportunity to maintain it fresh, and its great for me staying in a place as a normal inhabitant, not as a tourist. I also love plants, observing the magic of their geometry and beauty. I had in my different houses a terrace with my aromatic plants, flowers, and herbs for cooking. Several times I stayed in friends houses during their absences and took care of the house and dogs or cats: We were all very happy together, and of course I have enjoyed it. So, when I noticed this site exists I decided to try it! Hope we can meet and have both of us a nice experience!

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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