Jenn and mike p.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Über Jenn and mike p.

46 Jahre alt | Self-Employed

Hey guys! We are Mike and Jenn -- a married couple from Canada with lots of experience housesitting, both privately and through another housesitting/petsitting website. We just joined this site as I heard it was a great place to connect with other people from around the world.

We have great recommendations and perfect/stellar reviews on Airbnb from our years of extensive travel. We are vegetarian, major animal lovers and treat each house like it's our own. We have been commended for our communication, cleanliness and respect. We work online from anywhere, so as long as we have a good Wi-Fi connection, we're good to go!

When we travel to new places we like non-touristy areas and walking to explore, living amongst the locals and connection with the local culture and people. Our hobbies include film, reading and travel, obviously :D

Get in touch with us and we can pass on some of these reviews and recommendations as we build our profile here. Looking forward to meeting you all! Our next trip will be in November 2019 and we are looking for pets or homes to watch for this upcoming winter.

Thanks so much for taking a look at our profile!


Jenn and Mike

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Mike, Self-Employed, Ehepartner / Partner

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