Daleela F.

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Penticton, British Columbia, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Daleela F.

38 Jahre alt | Former NGO Director, now farmer | Allein

Hi there!

I'm a Canadian (born and raised in Penticton BC) with a touch of Portuguese heritage, now happily settled in the picturesque town of Arcos de Valdevez in Northern Portugal. I'm all about spreading care and joy — whether it's looking after your home, cuddling your pets, or tending to your garden and land (bonus points if it's all three!).

I've traveled to 60 countries and spent over a decade working in NYC as a non-profit director. I am very adaptable and self-reliant in new environments. I recently traded urban life for the tranquility of Northern Portugal. A year and a half ago, I embarked on an exciting journey of building my dream Quinta in the very village my mom was born in. I am very comfortable managing European homes and land (old or new), as well as caring for domestic pets and farm animals.

Currently, my own fur family includes two Cachena cows (Blossom and Buttercup), three dogs (Piruses, Lilly, and Brutus), a cat (well, one named Gato, who has many friends) and numerous chickens. Gardening and agriculture: I have been cultivating a thriving garden with everything this beautiful region has to offer! This includes a few larger scale projects, including potato farming, corn fields, and vineyards, during their seasons. I also adore indoor plants and am known to have as many as possible in my homes. My family helps me care for these when I am away.

Every now and then, I crave a little time away and a change of scenery... I'd be honored to be the one to care for your space and your beloved pets. I am available on WhatsApp for a video call so we can get to know each other.

Looking forward to connecting!

Yours, Daleela

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Portugiesisch

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