Cesare b.

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St John's, Saint John, Antigua and Barbuda

Über Cesare b.

50 Jahre alt | Property management

I'm a well travel person, living abroad for the past 25 years. Living/working experiences various from yachting in my early years, around France and Spain , to cruise ships worldwide, and several years in property management.
I've worked in villas for private owners in the south of France (Mougins), as well as French Alps managing a 5 bedrooms chalet, with outdoor hot tub and 2 dogs, in Megeve. Outside Europe ,I've worked in Canada, looking after a family of 4 with 2 pets, at their Toronto villa as well as their winter home in Aspen (Colorado).
Spent the last 3 years in Antigua and looking to continue exploring the Caribbean. Last experience prior to Antigua was South Pacific, Fiji, where I was resort manager for 3 years, Octopus resort Waya island.
I had pets my whole life, and in the past 3 years in Antigua, already did house sitting for various friends, when going back to Europe or US.
During Maria and Irma passage in 2017, I've successfully looked after a 6 bedroom villa b&b (with pool), with 2 dogs and a puppy, dealing with generator, shutters and general safe mantaning of the house. Upon request, I'd be happy to forward reviews from home owners.
Kind regards

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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