Cynthia t.

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Sevenum, Limburg, Netherlands

Über Cynthia t.

33 Jahre alt | Dog trainer and groomer

Nice to meet you. I am Cynthia Thissen, 28 years old and Come from the Netherlands. I have worked as Veterinarian assistant, but decided to extend my education and went to University of applied Science to study for Animal-Manager (Bachelor of Science). Thereafter I started my own little company for dog-training- and grooming in Belgium. Now, my boyfriend and I are traveling the world, enjoying life, taking care of stray animals and building an app to help people help stray animals.

Johan, my boyfriend, is 31 years old and comes fromBelgium. He is a Software-Architect and is also self-employed. My boyfriend and I are calm people, work frome home and enjoy sight-seeing. Since we work feom home, your pets will almost never be alone. Lots and lots of affection amd cuddles garenteed. Together we are traveling for almost a year now, and we love to combine all the things we love; surrounding ourselves with sweet pets, kind people and beautifull places.

Since I am a certified veterinarian assistant, it is no problem if you have pets with special needs or medication. Dogs, rabbits or guinea pigs who need fur-maintenance are also welcome with us. I have years of experience in taking care for exotic pets and farm animals also. I love to send you regular updates, pictures and video's, so you can enjoy your holiday and your pets have a special time too. Ifyou feel you missed something, than please do not hessitate and feel free to ask.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Johan, 36 Jahre alt, Software architect, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

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