Kelly k.

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Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India

Über Kelly k.

64 Jahre alt | Educator, Anthropologist

Living high in the Himalayas of northern India, teaching young Buddhist monks and nuns and providing teacher training as well, I take a break in the winter months as everything closes here. I am a mature confident and compassionate woman who has lived and traveled in over 60 countries alone. I taught at international schools for years and for th last eight years in Ladakh I am volunteering my services. I am taking a year off, looking for places to sit, or several, in southern Europe/Northern Africa Oceania/Asia,S. American, etc, starting in late January 2022. I prefer housesits with some animals to bond and care for, gardening, renovations, etc. Rural is preferable and along an ocean would be a dream after coming off the high, dry Tibetan Plateau. Feel free to learn more about me through these websites:,,

Why I want to house sit
I miss having animals around me, snuggling, hanging out together, exploring together, I have a deep connection to animals and am a vegetarian as I wish no harm to any living creature. Because i leave here every 6 months for my visa I cannot have my own pet here. And I so miss loving animals. Some of my best friends around the world are animals I have sat during previous housesit. I love to have gardens to care for, a chair to sit in, a variety of fresh foods available, but mostly I am a world explorer. I need to connect with new people and new cultures regularly. I believe we all have so much to share, teach, and learn. As a homeowner myself, It is also important to me that I provide a service to others as I know how it is to leave one's home, flora, and fauna to others. I am a trustworthy, responsible, resourceful person that gives 100%.

My experience
Yes, very experienced as I have lived in many, many countries and house sat both long term and short term on farms, islands, mountain tops, etc. I have reviews on Trusted Housesitters, Housecarers, MindmyHouse and other platforms and can provide numerous references. People know they can relax and trust me and it is a gift for me to be able to live in and care for their homes. I have become lifelong friends with so many homeowners. It is a wonderful gift of exchange. I also have house sitters in my home here in Ladakh too so I know both sides. I have done dog training, sat for horses, cows, care for chickens, birds, reptiles, dogs, cats , goats, pigs, etc.

What I bring to the assignment
I am an anim

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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